Tuesday, October 24, 2006


That’s right, if you want to accomplish your dreams goals and aspirations just tell one person that you can trust and have that person hold you accountable.Throughout all of my years here is one thing I’ve learned and that is if you are held accountable you are more likely to do it.
What gets inspected gets done. What gets measured gets done.The word for the day is accountability.


Anonymous said...

This is why i push you so hard Mr. Speaker, because i know you got it in you to be a worldwide success.


Larry Barnes said...

Well said Mr. Speaker.
Many people chose not to take on this task because it requires so much of them. Holding someone accountably will take some physical and mental time and effort. The good news is when you hold someone accountable it helps that person, and at the same time you will be internally rewarded by their success and blessed for your involvement. Therefore, this task is well worth the effort.