Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Sovereignty of God

Sovereignty can be defined as:

  • Supreme Excellence
  • Supreme Power
  • Freedom from external control
  • Autonomy
  • Controlling Influence

We may not always understand or agree with what and how God does things, but we must learn to accept what God allows in our lives. For it is He that created us and knows what’s best for us.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:8-9 KJV)

God is Sovereign

"For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy." (Romans 9:15-16 KJV)

1 comment:

Pam Perry, PR Coach said...

AMEN. Hear are some great books!

Chocolate Pages - Books so Good You Can Eat 'em! (for EPK online)

About the Book: In Bonnie’s new book, How Strong Women Pray, she mentions the day she realized that most people knew her as “a strong woman, an inspirational speaker, a one-legged Olympic ski champion, a Rhodes Scholar and former White House official,” but hardly any knew of the importance of prayer in her life or that she even prayed at all. That day she set out to interview other strong women that she admired who may also have been privately powered by prayer and she was shaken and inspired by the overwhelming outcome. ISBN: 0-446-57926-2, $16.99, Nov. 2, 2007

About the Author: Bonnie St. John, Olympic skier and silver medalist, talks about the struggles of being an amputee and how she, along with women like Maya Angelou, Susan Taylor and Kathie Lee Gifford, overcame incredible obstacles through prayer. For more information, visit Publisher: FaithWords

About the Book: Commanding Your Morning: Unleashing the
Power of God in Your Life, follows the style of her best-selling copublished books, this small book is based upon the biblical principle of
determining with your words the power and authority of God in every
aspect of life. The reader will learn how to take command of the morning
through spoken declarations that activate God’s power.
ISBN: 978-1-59979-177-7, $11.99, Oct. 2, 2007

About the Author: Cindy Trimm is a charismatic, motivational speaker, preacher, teacher, multifaceted executive, dedicated social and spiritual leader, prosperity coach, success mentor, psychotherapeutic holistic consultant, and former senator in Bermuda government. She travels up to 48 weeks a year, speaking and doing conferences. Her previous books
include The Rules of Engagement volumes I, II, and III. For more
information, visit Publisher: Charisma House/Strang

About the Book: In The Kneeling Mind: 10 Attitudes for Victorious
Living, Pastor Lambert explores ten attitudes that help us develop a kneeling mind—a submissive, God-directed way of thinking. With a renewed mind, the mind of Christ, we can trust God to bring us through all the pitfalls and traps of the enemy. He shows that we can have victory over the things that hinder your growth and keep you from enjoying the Lord’s best. ISBN: 978-0-87508-869-3, $12.00, April 10, 2007

About the Author: Rev. Dr. Eric A. Lambert, Jr. was born and educated in Philadelphia, Pa., and following in his father’s footsteps, became a carpenter. He responded to God’s call in 1971 and began preparing for the pastoral ministry. Pastor Lambert established Bethel Deliverance Church in 1987 with seven committed believers. Today, Bethel is a mega church that fulfills its vision and mission through more than 30 ministries that serve the people of God as well as the surrounding communities. For more information, visit Publisher: CLC Publications

About the Book: Watercolored Pearls (Revell/Baker Publishers) is
the third in a series of novels that will resonate with mothers, young professionals, and women struggling with self-esteem and matters of faith. This series is one of the nation’s premiere African American Christian fiction works. Endorsed by award-winning authors Kendra Norman-Bellamy, Sharon Ewell Foster and Cecil Murphey. ISBN:
0800731689, $12.99, October 1, 2007

About the Author: Stacy Hawkins Adams is a Christian fiction author, freelance writer and inspirational speaker with 14 years of professional journalism experience. Until recently, she served as a reporter and columnist for the Richmond Times-Dispatch in Virginia. In addition to penning novels full time, she writes a freelance column about
working mothers for the Times-Dispatch and co-hosts a podcast (The Talking Book Show) focused on the craft of writing. For more information, visit

About the Book: Stay Out of The Kitchen(Harlem Moon/Broadway
Books) is the second book in an exciting new series modeled after the
enormously popular No.1 Ladies Detective Agency and loosely based on the life of Mable John. This new series will have tremendous appeal to both the secular and Christian book markets. The first book, Sanctified Blues, was endorsement by B.B. King. ISBN: 978-0-7679-2166-4, $12.95, June 26, 2007

About the co-Author: Dr. Mable John was the first female recording artist for Motown. She was the lead "Raelette" for Ray Charles from 1968 until 1976 and a solo artist for Stax/Volt. She's now an ordained minister with a doctorate in counseling. Dr. John is the co-author with
David Ritz. She lives in Los Angeles, California. For more information, visit

About the Book: Compared to as the “Christian Terry McMillan” by the Detroit News, a self-published success story turned publisher’s dream (Kimani Press/Harlequin), Kim Brooks chronicles the triumphs and challenges of three single friends and their relationship with each other –and the men in their lives. Targeted primarily at the demographic of women ages 18 to 35, He’s Fine…But is He Saved? is a powerfully honest, compelling look at the thoughts, emotions, choices and challenges that single adults encounter. Endorsed by best-selling authors Ty Adams, Stephanie Perry Moore and Jacquelin Thomas. A Black Expressions Book Club feature. ISBN: 978-0-373-83061, $14.95, January 2007

About the Author: Detroiter Kim Brooks is a speaker, song writer and founder/president of Drive Enterprises. She has had hundreds of media interviews and continues to be a popular guest speaker nationwide at youth conferences and churches’ singles ministries. For more information, visit

About the Book: No other self-help book on trauma integrates the emotional work and Christian faith. For anyone struggling with emotional, mental or destructive patterns of behavior, Dr. R. Dandridge Collins has provided effective tools and invaluable resources for getting
help. He is a Philadelphia-based psychologist, ordained minister and adjunct professor at Palmer Theological Seminar who has penned a book entitled THE TRAUMA ZONE: Trusting God for Emotional Healing
(Moody/Lift Every Voice Publishers) released this year. Endorsed by Rev. Jeremiah Wright and former CNN anchor Andria Hall. ISBN: 0802489893, $13.99, January 2007
About the Author: R. Dandridge Collins, Ph. D., known as “Dr. Dan,” has more than 25 years experience as a trainer and behavioral health practitioner. His special ability to integrate behavioral health and spiritual themes has catapulted him into the national spotlight. He appeared on
Moody Radio Networks and has been featured in many media interviews
nationwide. For more information, visit